Catalytic Electro-Recycling Toronto (CERT), a team from the Sargent and Sinton groups and XPrize Semi-Finalists, was just announced as one of 20 semi-finalists for the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Solutions 2030 Challenge competition. This was a global call for innovators to propose solutions to Ontario industry greenhouse gas emissions.
A three-phase competition over three years, Ontario’s Solutions 2030 Challenge is designed to identify and accelerate the development of technologies that have a valtrex generic no prescription high potential to help Ontario industry meet 2030 emissions reduction targets. The 20 teams were selected from over 160 applicants from around the world. The top eight teams from Phase 1 will be invited to participate in Phase 2 and will be awarded up to $250,000 per team to support costs related to their participation.
For more information on the competition and the other semi-finalists please see the news release here: