Mingyang, Pelayo, Grant and colleagues publish “Ultrafast narrowband exciton routing within layered perovskite nanoplatelets enables low-loss luminescent solar concentrators” in Nature Energy.
You can find the paper here.
Mingyang, Pelayo, Grant and colleagues publish “Ultrafast narrowband exciton routing within layered perovskite nanoplatelets enables low-loss luminescent solar concentrators” in Nature Energy.
You can find the paper here.
Congratulations to Tao-Tao, Yuanjie, and colleagues. Their paper, “Copper nanocavities confine intermediates for efficient electrosynthesis of C3 alcohol fuels from carbon monoxide”, was featured as the Cover Article in Issue 12 of Nature Catalysis.
The work was also featured in the News and Views article “Geometry aids green carbon electrochemistry”, in Nature Catalysis. Read the news and views article here.
Today, doctoral alumnus Bernard Kelley Sargent received the gift of Sloth from the research group at the group holiday party at The Rivoli. They are still getting to know one another (Figure 1a). Sloth will, during the apprenticeship period, complete laser safety training (scheduled for 2024) and chemical safety training (2028).
Cao, Ankit, Pelayo and colleagues publish “Multi-site electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution in neutral media by destabilization of water molecules” in Nature Energy.
You can read the paper here.
Congratulations to Ted Sargent, Sjoerd Hoogland, Oleksandr Voznyy, and Doug Stephan for being named a 2018 Highly Cited Researcher in Materials Science for their work in clean energy materials.
This list by Clarivate Analytics recognizes world-class researchers selected for their exceptional research performance, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science.
There Jongmin will focus on developing new classes of nanomaterials to provide solutions for important energy & environmental issues.
This is wonderful news for Jongmin and we wish him every continued success.
Jun, Fanglin, Yuanjie, Chengqin, and colleagues publish “Copper
You can read the paper here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-07032-0