Xue, Pengfei, and colleagues publish in Nature Energy, “Efficient electrosynthesis of n-propanol from carbon monoxide using a Ag–Ru–Cu catalyst.”
Dongxin and colleagues publish in Nature “Distribution control enables efficient reduced-dimensional perovskite LEDs.”
Dongxin and colleagues publish in Nature “Distribution control enables efficient reduced-dimensional perovskite LEDs.”
Pelayo and colleagues publish in Science “Semiconductor quantum dots: Technological progress and future challenges.”
Pelayo and colleagues publish in Science “Semiconductor quantum dots: Technological progress and future challenges.”
Recent Xue-Pengfei-Josh et al. paper “Gold-in-copper at low *CO coverage enables efficient electromethanation of CO2” is an Editor’s Highlight in Nature Communications – thank you Senior Editor Dr. Adam Weingarten for a robust and constructive peer review process!
Recent Xue-Pengfei-Josh et al. paper “Gold-in-copper at low *CO coverage enables efficient electromethanation of CO2” is an Editor’s Highlight in Nature Communications – thank you Senior Editor Dr. Adam Weingarten for a robust and constructive peer review process!
Nature publishes exchange with Yu-Hao Deng re: TEMs and crystal planes in 2015 Nature paper “Quantum-dot-in-perovskite solids.”
Erick and colleagues publish in Science “CO2 electrolysis to multicarbon products in strong acid”.
Erick and colleagues publish in Science “CO2 electrolysis to multicarbon products in strong acid”.
UofT News Story: Passing the acid test: New low-pH system recycles more carbon into valuable products.
Writing in Nature Chemistry, Kevin Plaxco (UCSB) and Kevin Cash (Colorado School of Mines) highlight latest paper by Jagotamoy in a News and Views titled, “Biosensors: Signal transduction with a swing.”
Jagotamoy, Surath, and Shana Kelley and group colleagues publish “Reagentless biomolecular analysis using a molecular pendulum” in Nature Chemistry.
Jagotamoy, Surath, and Shana Kelley and group colleagues publish “Reagentless biomolecular analysis using a molecular pendulum” in Nature Chemistry.
Writing in Science, Robert Service features Adnan’s new Joule paper in “Hunt for renewable plastics clears a hurdle: Solving alkalinity problem may help make plastics from CO2, water, and electricity”.
Writing in Science, Robert Service features Adnan’s new Joule paper in “Hunt for renewable plastics clears a hurdle: Solving alkalinity problem may help make plastics from CO2, water, and electricity”.