Dae-Hyun will join DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology) as an assistant professor in the Department of Energy Science & Engineering. DGIST (https://www.dgist.ac.kr/en/) is one of the nation’s Institutes of Science and Technology (-IST) universities (KAIST, UNIST, GIST, DGIST) of Korea. DGIST is the most recently established of these, and is receiving active support from the government in its development. DGIST provides an excellent research environment including facilities and funding as a result. Prof. DHN will be in the Department of Energy Science & Engineering, which covers solar energy conversion, fuel cells, secondary batteries, and renewable energy. Prof. Dae-Hyun will lead a program in electrocatalysis research. He will lever synergies with the allied institute within DGIST. Alumni of our group (Prof. Jongmin Choi, Dr. Younghoon Kim) are also at DGIST.

Dae-Hyun will join DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology) as an assistant professor in the Department of Energy Science & Engineering.

DGIST (https://www.dgist.ac.kr/en/) is one of the nation’s Institutes of Science and Technology (-IST) universities (KAIST, UNIST, GIST, DGIST) of Korea. DGIST is the most recently established of these, and is receiving active support from the government in its development. DGIST provides an excellent research environment including facilities and funding as a result.

Prof. DHN will be in the Department of Energy Science & Engineering, which covers solar energy conversion, fuel cells, secondary batteries, and renewable energy. Prof. Dae-Hyun will lead a program in electrocatalysis research. He will lever synergies with the allied institute within DGIST. Alumni of our group (Prof. Jongmin Choi, Dr. Younghoon Kim) are also at DGIST.

Ted Sargent is recognized in the Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers 2019.The list recognizes the world’s most influential researchers of the past decade, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science. Close colleagues also in the 2019 list include Prof. Mingjuan Yuan (now at Nankai), Prof. Sasha Voznyy (UofT), Prof. Ric Comin (now at MIT), Dr. Sjoerd Hoogland (UofT), and Dr. Lina Quan (now at Berkeley).

Ted Sargent is recognized in the Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers 2019. The list recognizes the world’s most influential researchers of the past decade, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science. Close colleagues also in the 2019 list include Prof. Mingjuan Yuan (now at Nankai), Prof. Sasha Voznyy (UofT), Prof. Ric Comin (now at MIT), Dr. Sjoerd Hoogland (UofT), and Dr. Lina Quan (now at Berkeley).

Se-Woong and colleagues, publish “Efficient hybrid colloidal quantum dot/organic solar cells mediated by near-infrared sensitizing small molecules” in Nature Energy.

Se-Woong and colleagues, publish “Efficient hybrid colloidal quantum dot/organic solar cells mediated by near-infrared sensitizing small molecules” in Nature Energy.

Also received Nature Energy News & Views: “A bridge for charge carriers“.




Check out our latest publication in Nature Biomedical Engineering where we leverage high-throughput microfluidics and phenotypic genome-wide CRISPER screens to discover a new druggable target for cancer therapy.

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Check out our latest publication in Nature Biomedical Engineering where we leverage high-throughput microfluidics and phenotypic genome-wide CRISPER screens to discover a new druggable target for cancer therapy.







Congratulations to Dr. Fanglin Che on taking up a tenure-stream position at UMass Lowell.

Congratulations to Dr. Fanglin Che on taking up a tenure-stream position at UMass Lowell. Fanglin’s appointment is in Chemical Engineering, where she will work on multi-scale simulations of catalysts and materials. We were fortunate to attract Fanglin from Washington State University where she had earned her Ph.D. with JS McEwen and Su Ha; Fanglin did excellent work in our group including on computational studies of how doped CO2RR catalysts achieve improved performance; and she then went on to complete a second successful post-doc at Delaware with Dino Vlachos. Well done and good luck, Fanglin!
