Also received Nature Energy News & Views: “A bridge for charge carriers“.
Check out our latest publication in Nature Biomedical Engineering where we leverage high-throughput microfluidics and phenotypic genome-wide CRISPER screens to discover a new druggable target for cancer therapy.
Professor Dingjiang Xue has attracted Excellent Youth Scientists Funding from National Natural Science Foundation of China. Prof. Xue is a Visiting Professor in the Sargent Group; he is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Congratulations to Dr. Ying Wang on taking up a tenure-stream position at CUHK. Ying’s appointment is in the Department of Chemistry, where she will work on surface electrochemistry with a focus on the understanding of small molecule activation on electrodes. We were fortunate to attract Ying as a post-doctoral fellow 2018-2019; she had earned her Ph.D. with Richard Compton at Oxford and had completed post-doctoral training with Tom Meyer at UNC.