Dr. Zedong Zhang


Zedong Zhang received his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University in 2024, under the supervision of Prof. Dingsheng Wang. His Ph.D. studies mainly focused on the controllable synthesis of atomic size catalysts and the catalytic mechanism study. He joined the Sargent Group as a postdoctoral fellow in July 2024 with research interests in electrochemical CO2 reduction and tandem catalysis.

Dr. Yiqing Chen


Yiqing Chen received her Ph.D. degree in May 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Jun Song, from the Department of Mining and Materials Engineering at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She joined the Sargent group at Northwestern University as a postdoctoral fellow in July 2024 with research interests in computational electrochemistry and machine learning applications.

Dr. Hyundo Park


Hyundo Park received his Ph.D. degree in Aug. 2024 from the Department of Chemical Biomolecular Engineering at Yonsei University in South Korea. He joined the Sargent group as a postdoctoral fellow in Oct. 2024. His research primarily focuses on process optimization, techno-economic analysis (TEA), and life cycle assessment (LCA) through process simulation, as well as the development of predictive models using machine learning.

Dr. Taehee Kim


Taehee Kim received his Ph.D. in August 2024 from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Yonsei University, South Korea, under the supervision of Professors Hyung-Ho Park and Sang-Woo Kim. He earned his B.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of Edinburgh, UK. His Ph.D research focused on developing metal oxide and hydroxide-based aerogels for photo- and electrocatalysis applications. In 2024, he was awarded the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Nurturing Next-Generation Researchers) by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) and subsequently joined the Sargent Group as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Sept. 2024, where his research focuses on high-surface-area electrochemical (pseudo-)capacitance materials for electrified CO2 capture and release.

Dr. Charles Musgrave


Charles B Musgrave III received his Ph.D. in 2024 from the California Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Bill Goddard. Charles specializes in Density Functional Theory and force field methods, typically with application to electrocatalysis, carbon capture, and transport. He joined the Sargent group in April of 2024, and his current research spans the fields of electrocatalysis and photovoltaics, with an emphasis on acidic Oxygen evolution.


Dr. Jeongwon Kim


Jeongwon Kim received his Ph.D degree in Aug. 2021, from the Department of Energy Engineering at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST). From 2022 to 2024, he served as a Research Professor under the supervison of Prof. Dong Ha Kim at the Nanobio energy material center, Ewha Womans University. Jeongwon joined the Sargent group as a Postdoctral Fellow in Sep. 2024. His current research topics focused on exploring electrochemial interface engineering  for synthesizing chemical fuels  based on oxygen and nitrogen

Dr. Pronoy Nandi


Pronoy Nandi joined the Sargent Group at Northwestern University in March 2024 as a postdoctoral fellow, under the joint supervision of Prof. Mercouri G. Kanatzidis. Prior to this, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Energy Science at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea. He obtained his Ph.D. in Physics from the Institute of Physics, India. Dr. Nandi’s research focuses on the synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials and the development of high-performance single and multijunction photovoltaic devices, advancing the field of next-generation solar energy technologies.

Dr. Xianfu Zhang


Xianfu received his PhD from the School of New Energy at North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China, in July 2024, focusing on perovskite solar cells. During 2023-2024, he was a visiting student supervised by Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin and Paul J. Dyson at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He joined the Sargent group in August 2024 as a postdoctoral fellow. His current research interest is in high-performance perovskite tandem solar cells and modules.

Dr. Chuanhui Huang


Chuanhui Huang earned his Ph.D. in 2019 from a joint program between the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Fuzhou University, under the supervision of Prof. Tie Wang and Prof. Zhenyu Lin. In 2020, he joined Prof. Xinliang Feng’s group at Technische Universität Dresden as a Humboldt Fellow. Since 2024, he has been a postdoctoral researcher at Northwestern University, working with Prof. Ted Sargent and Prof. Omar Farha. His research focuses on designing and synthesizing novel MOFs/COFs for gas capture and sensing.

Dr. Rui Wang


Rui received his Ph. D. Degree in chemistry from University of Wisconsin, Madison (UW-Madison) in July 2024. His graduate study, conducted under the supervision of Prof. Song Jin, focused on modular electrochemical synthesis and resource recovery using ion-selective redox-active materials. He joined the Sargent group as a postdoctoral fellow in Aug 2024.